Imperial College London and Chinese telecoms provider Huawei are planning a research partnership in which academics and business experts join forces to pursue developments in big data technology. 伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)与中国电信设备供应商华为(Huawei)计划结成研究伙伴关系,来自学术与商业领域的专家将携起手来,共同寻求发展大数据技术。
Her coffin will be carried in a funeral procession Wednesday morning along a central London route lined by members of the British armed forces. 星期三上午,撒切尔夫人的灵柩将在送葬队伍护送下经过伦敦中部城区,英国军人列于道路两旁。
London forces are a type of intermolecular force that occurs between all molecules whether polar or nonpolar. 色散力则在极性分子及非极性分子间都存在。
While as the talks took place in London, forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi launched a new offensive in eastern Libya, driving out rebels from towns they had recently captured. 在伦敦正在召开国际会议之际,卡扎菲军队在利比亚东部发动了发动了新的攻势,将叛军赶出他们刚刚占据的城镇。